有了你的中文名後, 我們四出搜尋那些跟你中文名有關係的英文名.其實,英文名來來去去都是那些.比起中文有數千萬的字已經容易好多. 不是乜乜y尾,例如:Candy, Fanny, Wendy, Carolby, Ruby, Cheery, Sandy, Shirley, Cindy. 就是a尾, Ada, Rebecca, Erica, Sabrina, Vienna, Ella, Vera, Shara, Corina. 仲有e尾, Connie, Bonnie, Zoe, Katie, Catherine, Michelle, Winnie. 說真的改一個特別的英文名, 吓..又特別?? 都幾難.
你爸說他對英文名興趣不大,可以由我作主,但不要改三個音的英文名. 噢!你爸對音調是異常敏感的! 於是, 我問我的老板&同事有無idea改咩名好..佢地首先問我要咩字頭. 我說喜歡"A", 他們說Amber都okay, 你叫Ruby,咁你個女叫Amber就fit晒啦. 好似都幾好喎. e, 但係就同澄澄的中文名沒有關係. 於是,他們問我個女個名有什麼意思..um..應該是解Pure. 佢地話不如改Pure囉.. 吓..Pure..之後,就再沒有討論.
我生完澄澄後, 收到了麥博士的SMS,佢話Catherine是解作Pure, 而Catherine洐生出來的英文名都可以用, 如 Cathy, Katie, Katherine, etc..他建議Caitlin. 由於呢位博士是在美國讀番書的,他說是讀 cat連..但我問了英國鬼佬老板,佢話應該係k連..
到澄澄攞出世紙,究竟加唔加Caitlin個名好呢..亞連亞連.. 好似.麻麻地..於是只好等澄澄12歲時再加吧..
現在, 我們發現澄澄都幾襯呢個名...Caitlin..
Caitlin, also spelled in numerous other ways, including Caitlyn, Caytelyn, Kaitlin, Kaitlyn, Kate Lynn, Katelynn,Caitlynn, Katelin, Katlin, and Katelyn.[1] ,is a given name for a female. The name has an Irish origin and means "pure".[2] Caitlin was originally an Irish Gaelic form of Catherine. The original pronunciation in Gaelic was similar to Kathleen and sometimes more like /koyt-hleen/[1] or /Cotch-LEEN/[3] but in the later 20th century the pronunciation of "Kate-lynn" become commonly used in English speaking countries, and led to the numerous respellings. According to a name etymology website Katherine (from which Caitlin ultimately derives from)[4] could also be derived from Hecate, a Greek goddess. [5]
Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caitlin
e媽, 她當時"炸"哭...要我抱噢!
ee, 你點會唔識讀...mrs english..hee hee
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