經過六,日兩天的密集式活動, 澄澄實在累得很. 所以, 就讓小豬多睡一點, 中午才帶她回爺爺麻麻那裡. 昨日, 我堅持坐巴士往黃大仙. 原因只有一個, 就是可以同澄澄豬相處時間長一點. 我有沒有說過, 同澄澄相處越長越難捨. 我想澄澄也是一樣罷! 所以, 昨天的車程, 澄澄沒有太多笑容. 只是手指指, 指示那個是巴士, 的士, 貨車等. 我們下車的時候, 看見有許多小孩子挽著媽媽的手上學去. 我和澄澄也像其他人一樣挽著手呢. 心裡很羡慕那些全職媽媽, 可以時常陪伴子女. 但從她們的面容, 又不覺她們享受這份差事. 是不是習慣了便不懂珍惜呢? 我時常想, 他日有機會可以成為全職媽媽, 我會否悶透這份日日如事的生活, 還是享受得來不易的親子關係呢? 不過, 最大可能性是我廚藝不通, 未能通過當全職媽媽的條件.
9 years ago
Sorry, as you know I am useless in typing Chinese, so please bear with me.....
I read all the articles in one go today, I am touched by you, a young mother. Maybe because I read all of them, I suddenly feel I am also close to Caitlin. She is a very sweet girl (you also know I don't usually give compliment to kids, as I am not a fan of kids ;) and cute, from the pictures, I sometimes want to hold her (好肉緊).
I particularly like the one "there is nothing you can do, just can't do the best", a very touching piece. You have underestimated your ability, I think you always do a good job in the office, always lend your ears to your colleagues.... what more do you want to do???
Keep going young mother and I look forward to meeting Caitlin again soon.
shum shum,
如果有你一齊, very okay 呀!
Thanks for your comment. 睇下幾時可以帶隻豬番公司玩!
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